german english

The above MKI has serial number 1011 and was build in November 1981.
Here you can download a copy of the "Fachblatt" review from november 1981

The Barracuda MKII is kind of a budget version of the MKI and was build 1983/84.
The "G" logo on the headstock is missing as well as the serial number sticker on the body.
The bridge is no longer all gold but has black springs and screws.

The shape of the MKI and MKII is slightly different. The MKII has a bigger body and is a little bit longer than the MKI.
The headstock of the MKII is thinner than the the one of the MKI. The electric cavity of the MKII is not shielded but due to the usage of shielded wires the guitar produces nearly no hum.

In the meantime I could acquire a prototype of the Barracuda, made by George around 1980. Many features of the prototype differ from the later series.
The body is very similar but a little bit smaller, the headstock is a six-in-a-row layout, the neck through body is made of three stripes of maple and two stripes of rosewood. The scale is 650mm.
The body is made of ash and has a vintage style vibrato, the fretboard has no binding and dot inlays.
The prototype has no zero fret and only 21 frets.

MKI schematic